# Server libraries
- graphql-php - A PHP port of GraphQL reference implementation.
- graphql-relay-php - Relay helpers for GraphQL & PHP.
- Siler PHP library powered with high-level abstractions to work with GraphQL. Overview on the Siler website
- API Platform - API framework compatible with Symfony having native GraphQL support.
- laravel-graphql - Facebook GraphQL for Laravel 5.
- laravel-graphql-relay - A Laravel library to help construct a server supporting react-relay.
- graphql-mapper - This library allows to build a GraphQL schema based on your model.
- graphql-bundle - GraphQL Bundle for Symfony 2.
- overblog/graphql-bundle - This bundle provides tools to build a complete GraphQL server in your Symfony App. Supports react-relay.
- GraphQL – Well documented PHP implementation with no dependencies.
- GraphQL Symfony Bundle – GraphQL Bundle for the Symfony 3 (supports 2.6+).
- WPGraphQL - WordPress plugin that exposes a Relay compliant GraphQL endpoint
- graphql-wp – a WordPress plugin that exposes a GraphQL endpoint.
- eZ Platform GraphQL Bundle - GraphQL Bundle for the eZ Platform Symfony CMS.
- GraphQL Middleware - GraphQL Psr7 Middleware
- Zend Expressive GraphiQL Extension - GraphiQL extension for zend expressive
- GraphQL for PHP7 - A batteries-included, standard-compliant and easy to work with implementation of the GraphQL specification in PHP7 (based on the reference implementation).