# So you want more resources?

How To GraphQL An series to get you started from 0 to production with GraphQL

dwyl/learn-graphql A community-created tutorial for GraphQL

The guide to learn GraphQL I wish I found few months go A good article from someone who was trying to learn GraphQL

Facebook’s Graph API Documentation They cover definition commonly misinterpreted definitions like nodes, edges and fields quite well and give a good overview of thinking in terms of graphs.

GraphQL Community Resources A variety of resources from newsletters to podcasts that you can check out. It’s not an exhaustive (or particularly diverse) list, but it’s a way to get going for sure.

A Journey With GraphQL If you need to provide general examples of GraphQL use cases, I'd recommend listening to Michelle and Faduma’s talk from the London Node User Group. They describe their own use case at Conde Nast and begin covering other problems that GraphQL can solve around the 17 minute mark.

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